Abdisalam Hashi Mohamed

Abdisalam Hashi Mohamed

I help beginning entrepreneurs grow a passive stream of income through the Internet without having a lot of money to invest. I do that by creating blog posts about the best tools and services that can help us to grow our passive stream of income.


FunnelCockpit is the ultimate tool for optimizing your sales funnels. With its intuitive interface and powerful analytics, you can easily track and analyze every step of your funnel, from lead generation to conversion. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to data-driven decision making with FunnelCockpit.

Keto Meal Plan Guide 2024

Ultimate Guide to Starting a Keto Meal Plan

Introduction A keto meal plan emphasizes low-carb, high-fat foods to induce ketosis, where the body burns fat for energy. Benefits may include weight loss, better blood sugar control, and increased energy. The plan includes meat, fish, eggs, dairy, healthy fats,…

Email Marketing

Email Marketing

The Importance of Email Marketing in the Digital Age Email Marketing in the Digital Age In today’s digital age, where technology is constantly evolving and new marketing strategies are emerging, email marketing remains a powerful tool for businesses to connect…